G100 Panels
Cost-Effective, High-Quality Components
Bespoke Builds
G100 Export Limitation Panels
We have now built a huge number of G100 Export Limitation Panels and they are becoming an increasingly popular option. The G100 Export Limitation Panel does exactly what it says on the tin! It will only allow an SSEG system to export what the DNO will permit.
Grid connectivity is becoming more and more of a stumbling block for so many projects. Our solution can help remove this stumbling block for you. If you have a project where you have hit this hurdle, give us a call to see how we can help.
There are a number of ways to restrict your export and solutions are available for both Commercial and Domestic projects.
Customer Example
We build bespoke G100 Panels
Here is a great example of one of our more recent panels! The customer wanted a 100Kw Solar PV system but the DNO would only allow a 50Kw system. Where this would usually be a stumbling block, we built a bespoke G99 panel with G100 Export Limitation controls. The system was installed with 6 inverters for the 100Kw system and the DNO only wanted a maximum of 72amps export. We built a G99 panel and for each inverter's outgoing way, we also installed a contactor. This meant that when the export reached 72amps, the G99 panel would stop any additional export back to the DNO.
We’re Experienced In DNO Installations
We’ve installed systems in these DNO areas
This technology has been accepted by just about all the DNO’s now and we have carried out the relevant tests with several of the protection engineers from the DNO so we can prove to them how our technology will work to the DNO parameters. We incorporate these tests with our normal G99 witness tests. We have installed and commissioned these systems in the following DNO areas;
We’re Compliant
Our G100 Export Limitation complies with the relevant G100 Engineering Recommendations
We can provide a copy of the Appendix C Certification that your local DNO will ask you for to demonstrate that the equipment you intend to use is fully G100 compliant.
Best-Suited Solutions
Bespoke G100 panels, built to your requirements
Our G100 Export Limitation complies with the relevent G100 Engineering Recommendations and we can provide a copy of the Appendix C Certification that your local DNO will ask you for to deomstrate that the equipment you intend to use is fully G100 compliant.
This solution best suits sites with higher usage as when the export limit is reached we are shutting down the additional inverters which will stop producing. The inverters will then regenerate once the system falls back within the export limits set.
If you have any questions on how this works or how this could be incorporated into one of your projects please feel free to get in touch anytime just. We have different solutions we can tailor to suit your project so get in touch today and discuss your requirements.