Understanding AC Isolators in Solar PV Systems

While solar panels often steal the spotlight in PV systems, there's another crucial component that plays a significant role in ensuring safety and functionality: AC isolators. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of AC isolators and explore their role in solar PV systems.

What Is An AC Isolator?

AC isolators, or Alternating Current isolators, are essential devices that provide the first point of isolation from your inverter to your site’s existing network. This functionality is crucial during system shutdowns and maintenance operations. They serve as a critical link in ensuring the safety and efficient operation of a solar PV system.

Where Are They Installed?

AC isolators are strategically placed within a solar PV system just after the Inverter straight from the AC output of your inverter. In grid-tied systems, they are installed between the grid and the inverter. In off-grid systems, they are positioned between the inverter and the load. These strategic locations allow for the safe isolation of the solar inverter from the main grid or any other AC circuits in the PV system, making them indispensable for system safety.

Do I Need An AC Isolator For Solar Panels?

One of the key reasons AC isolators are indispensable in a solar PV system is that the PV array DC (Direct Current) side cannot be turned off. The terminals of the solar panels remain live at all times during daylight hours. This inherent risk is why AC isolators are vital, as they provide a means of manually isolating the AC supply during system installation or maintenance. Without them, working on a live solar PV system would be extremely dangerous.

Determining the Right AC Isolator

The number of rotary isolators needed in a solar PV system can vary depending on the system's size and the specifications of the inverter. These variables dictate the type and quantity of AC isolators required to ensure system safety and efficiency.

Beyond Solar PV Systems

AC isolators aren't exclusive to the solar industry. Their utility extends to other sectors, including the rail and food & beverage industries, where they serve as safety mechanisms to isolate power supplies. Their ability to protect against electrical hazards makes them a versatile solution in various applications.

Safety and Compliance

In the UK, regulations and standards have a huge impact on the deployment of solar PV systems. AC isolators can be vital in ensuring that these safety and compliance regulations are met. By incorporating them into your solar PV setup, you not only enhance the safety of your system but also adhere to industry standards.

In conclusion, AC isolators are not to be overlooked when designing or maintaining a solar PV system. They are the linchpin for ensuring safety, compliance, and effective isolation within the system. Whether in the context of solar energy or other industries, these devices play a crucial role in protecting personnel and equipment from electrical hazards, ultimately contributing to the success of solar energy adoption and beyond.

Fully Enclosed Solutions With G59 Projects

Our AC Isolator Panels come in various options, including 3 and 4 pole variants. They are also available in a range of amperages, from 40 to 1600 AMP. To ensure their longevity and functionality within a PV system, AC isolators are fully enclosed in materials like GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic), mild steel, or stainless steel enclosures. This robust construction provides dust and weather-proof solutions that can withstand the elements.

You can discover more about our AC Isolator Panels here and order online today! Don’t forget to contact a member of the team to get your discount code before checking out.
For further information, or to discuss your projects, you can also email sales@g59projects.co.uk or call us on 0330 113 2689.


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